
Bathore Project
6 October 1999
Foto exhibition "Departures,
Children's drawings
from refugees in Albania

Opening Balkan Sunflowers Community Centre, Tirana
1 October 1999

Peace Hostel
2 October 1999
Street children in
14 August 1999
Wam's trip
to Kosov@,
5 - 8 August 1999
of a football field in Tirana
31 July 1999
Wam's trip
to Kosov@,
11 - 14 July 1999
Children and voluteers in the Tirana orphanage
Albanian Youth Council,
Seminar 5 July 1999
A diary page in
pictures: 2 July: A Dutch army convoy with Teddybears (02/07/99)
Camp of
Premiere Urgence (29/06/99)
Children of
the Rotary Camp, Tirana (29/06/99)
Meeting of the
UNHC (29/06/99)
Refugees on
the way home (24/06/99)
first work in Way Station Shemri (24/06/99)
Children and
volunteers in Kashar (22/06/99)
Tirana Impressions
last update:
21 August 1999
Albania Impressions
camp Tirana
Tirana Airport
Refugee camps |

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- Wam Kat -
one of the initiators of the Sunflowers project
and author of the Zagreb and Tirana diaries
(c) michael greulich
a.-seghers-str. 3
D-14558 bergholz-rehbruecke
The pictures on these pages are available in high quality
format. You can download them for free to promote the Balkan Sunflower project, or for
media purposes - with mentioning of the source. Otherwise are all copyrights reserved. |