Balkan Sunflowers / Balkansé Sluneenice

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Twelve days completely without water. The factory, that was to supply the water demanded a complete repair of the pumps and piping system. Investment around 30.000 USD.

An exhibition of pictures by Adéla Kubíčková on refugee camps in Albania

"Departures, returns."

Premiere of the exhibition in the "Literární kavárna", Týnské ulici in Prague

1 - 31 July 1999

In the times of Tito we dreamt to go to our home-land and our brothers. We all wanted to go to Albania. And now we are finally here, we want to go back as soon as possible.

Muhamet Sinoni (probably 89 years old, but nobody knows exactly). During the departure from Dragashe (Kosov@) he kept on asking: "Why is everybody so in a hurry?" In the refugee camp in Kukes he asks: "Where am I and what do I do here?"


The war ends, the conflict doesn't.

Everything what happened to the women will be kept secret for a long time. The husbands might throw them out of their houses for it.

When I grow up I want to become tractor driver............I already drove tractor once.

Children. The largest victims of the war. They lost their fathers, their homes and friends and what waits for them in Kosov@ is a question. They will have to be careful for mines for a long time - mines on the ground and mines underground. Those on the ground are of different shapes and colours. A radio, a television set, a teddybear, a refrigerator, a car - all could be boobytrapped. In Kosov@ only those places are indicated where there are mines for sure.


Will we have this also in Kosov@?

(c) Copyright Adéla Kubíčková

The entire exhibition or single pictures can be obtained from the author. Contact for conditions and prices Adéla Kubíčková:
tel.: ++420.312.693 612 or mobile: ++420.603.569 243

All revenues for the Balkan Sunflowers.